
Lia Brynne Fanning, born January 10, 2010, 8 lbs 12 oz and with a full head of black hair.  🙂

I haven’t posted since before she was born because:

1) I started work again on January 6 (four days before she was born) and I’m now on Easter break; and


Okay, well, she’s almost three months old now and the size of a seven month old, but that’s nothing unusual with my kids.  James was born three pounds even and had jumped off even the standard growth charts by four months.  Because of the immense life changes of the past few months (which somehow seem completely natural and not really changes at all), I am overhauling this blog.  Today, I will update my (what, three?) readers and tomorrow I will begin a new chapter.  I intend to begin daily devotional reflections on scripture as both an encouragement to others (especially working moms) and as a method of personal accountability (I have kids, so, yes, accountability is necessary).



Time: Saturday, January 9th, 2010, 10 a.m.

Location: Loma Linda University Medical Center Labor and Delivery Unit

ME:  So, umm, I’d like to have this baby now. 1… 2… 3… owwwwwww…  1… 2… 3… owwwww.

RESIDENT:   Well, ma’am….

ME: (Ma’am?  I know I’ve put on a little weight, but really?)

RESIDENT:  You’ve been dilated two to four centimeters for a couple of months now.

ME:  Yeah, I know.

RESIDENT:  And you’ve been contracting regularly for a couple of weeks.

ME:  Yep. 1… 2… 3… owwww.  You were saying?

RESIDENT:  But she doesn’t want to budge.

ME:  I got that.  Anything we can do?  And don’t say, “Why don’t you go home and come back if you feel any labor symptoms?” because I’ve been hearing that for weeks and….

RESIDENT:  Why don’t you go home and come back if you….

MY OB:  Hey, Mrs. Fanning.  Making trouble again?  I have a coffee mug with your name on it.

ME:  Hi, doc.  Is there coffee in it?

MY OB:  Haha.  Right.  So, want to have a baby?

ME:  Whenever you guys feel like it; I’m in no hurry here.  1… 2… 3… owwwww… 1…

MY OB:  So, pitocin for a few hours and we’ll see how you are doing.

Me:  Okie dokie.  Waiter, I’ll have an epidural on the rocks.

— 6 hours later —

MY OB:  Well, your contractions are definitely stronger.

ME:  Oh, really?  I hadn’t noticed.  1… 2… 3… OWWWWWWWWW.

RESIDENT:  We’re going to keep trying the pitocin.  If it doesn’t work after a few hours, we’ll break your water.

ME:  Okie dokie.  Honey, why don’t you go grab some dinner?

MY HUSBAND:  Okay, honey.  Want anything?

ME:  To deliver a baby?

MY HUSBAND:  A couple more hours, honey.

— 10 hours later —

RESIDENT:  Let’s break your water, shall we?

NURSE:  Hey, there’s only one good room left.  You’re racing the mom across the hall to deliver first.  It’s her first one, so you have the benefit of experience.  She’s young, though, so….

ME:  Don’t finish that sentence.

— 20 minutes later —

MY HUSBAND:   Anything feel different, honey?

ME:  I’m ready to PUSH!

THE ROOM:  Umm, okay.

ME:  1… 2… 3…

MY OB:  You have one tall child!

MY NURSE:  Wow, for a small woman you really have a large little girl.

RESIDENT:  She’s a large baby for a woman of your size….

ME:  Okay, I get it.  Nap time now?

— Flash forward to last month —

PEDIATRICIAN:  You know, your children are perfect. 

ME:  I know.

So, now you know.  Tomorrow, devotionals.  Sneak peek: Gratitude.

2 responses to this post.

  1. She is a cutie. I would like to see some more pictures please. We love you and miss you guys!


  2. We keep missing each other…but Lia and I shall meet someday! 🙂


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